all postcodes in IP14 / STOWMARKET

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Postcode Area

IP / Ipswich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
IP14 5AA 63 1 52.193516 0.997848
IP14 5AB 7 0 52.194446 0.996974
IP14 5AD 3 0 52.195958 0.999094
IP14 5AE 28 0 52.193314 0.999077
IP14 5AF 13 0 52.192261 1.000192
IP14 5AG 32 7 52.191572 1.000379
IP14 5AH 27 24 52.192511 1.003063
IP14 5AJ 70 0 52.191122 1.002501
IP14 5AL 15 1 52.191911 1.001545
IP14 5AN 22 0 52.193188 1.002246
IP14 5AP 33 0 52.192727 1.009779
IP14 5AR 18 0 52.190231 1.00326
IP14 5AS 1 1 52.190266 1.000482
IP14 5AT 2 2 52.18946 1.00138
IP14 5AU 42 1 52.190364 1.001528
IP14 5AW 8 0 52.192648 1.007593
IP14 5AX 47 0 52.190711 1.00455
IP14 5AY 18 14 52.186247 1.005376
IP14 5AZ 6 0 52.190174 1.00267
IP14 5BB 40 0 52.185371 1.020271